
Comprometidos en contruir y fortalecer la gobernanza ambiental y promover el ejercicio de los derechos humanos en la Amazonía.

La urgencia de lograr la sostenibilidad de la conectividad vial amazónica en un contexto de crisis climática mundial

La urgencia de lograr la sostenibilidad de la conectividad vial amazónica en un contexto de crisis climática mundial

A puertas de la 28ª Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP28), la deforestación de los bosques en el Perú es una de las principales fuentes de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) y nuestra Amazonía está al límite de alcanzar un punto de no retorno (MINAM, 2023). Este año, la economía peruana ha sido afectada bruscamente por factores políticos, sociales y múltiples choques climatológicos en el primer trimestre del año, que han dificultado la inversión y gasto público en la acción climática peruana.

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Next week in Cusco the public forum «Natural Protected Areas, Indigenous Territories and Hydrocarbons in Peru» will be held

Next Tuesday, October 24th, we invite you to participate in the public forum "Natural Protected Areas, Indigenous Territories and Hydrocarbons in Peru", which will be held in the city of Cusco, organized by Law, Environment and Natural Resources – DAR, the Zoological...

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Civil society and indigenous organizations reject repeated initiatives to weaken environmental and indigenous peoples’ regulations that would affect the right to life, health, territory and nature

Civil society organizations and indigenous peoples speak out against the series of proposals by the Executive, Congress and other private sector actors, which under the discourse of promoting investments and ending "environmental paperwork" seek to dismantle the...

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ExpoAmazónica 2023 | Indigenous organizations, the State and civil society will coordinate efforts to address structural problems of indigenous communities and the protection of the Amazon

PHOTO: Maria Fe Mendoza / DAR DAR highlights the necessary articulation between development and rights, as well as the development of a roadmap to address threats to the Amazon based on the agendas presented by indigenous organizations. Indigenous peoples have best...

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We need a national discussion on what energy transition the country needs, including all Peruvians.

"We are experiencing an assault of economic interests to reduce Peru's environmental regulatory capacity," said César Gamboa, executive director of Law, Environment and Natural Resources (DAR), during his participation in the roundtable: "The just and popular energy...

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