Photo: Maria Fe Mendoza/DAR
With the objective of reinforcing communal economic activities and the control and surveillance actions of the San Pedro Native Community, located in the buffer zone of the Regional Conservation Area «Comunal Tamshiyacu Tahuayo» (ACR CTT, by its acronym in Spanish), on the 18th and 19th of February the installation of two photovoltaic systems were concluded. With the implementation of renewable energies in native communities, economic, social and environmental profits are generated for the population, as well as opportunities to promote a fair energy transition that generates local benefits.
The first system was installed in the Community Surveillance Center, recently built with the aim of providing the community more tools and better conditions for the control and surveillance of its territory as well as for the protection of its natural resources against possible threats.
Photo: Maria Fe Mendoza/DAR
The second was installed in the «Centro de Faenas Previas a la Comercialización de Recursos Naturales», soon to be implemented, in order to improve and strengthen sustainable productive activity, based on the management of wildlife carried out by the association of hunters of the community.
Photo: Maria Fe Mendoza/DAR
DAR will continue working on the implementation of sustainable local initiatives that help strengthen energy transition strategies and mechanisms for climate change mitigation with a rights-based approach.
On February 24, the inauguration of both centers of the San Pedro – Quebrada Blanco Native Community will take place.
This activity is promoted in the framework of the Project «Promoviendo la energía asequible, limpia y sostenible para Loreto» with the support of The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
The implementation of this initiative is carried out in partnership and articulated collaboration between Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR), the Regional Environmental Management (GRAM, by its acronym in Spanish) of the Regional Government of Loreto, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the San Pedro Native Community and the Management Committee of the Regional Conservation Area «Comunal Tamshiyacu Tahuayo» (ACR CTT, by its acronym in Spanish).