Energy transition in Loreto: the impact of renewable energies on the use of natural resources in the San Pedro native community

Mar 3, 2023 | Noticias

Photo: Maria Fe Mendoza/DAR

Last Friday, February 24, in order to strengthen community surveillance, local economic activity and the use of natural resources the «Centro de Faenas Previas a la Comercialización de Recursos Naturales» and the Community Surveillance Center were inaugurated in the San Pedro Native Community, located in the buffer zone of the Regional Conservation Area “Comunal Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo”.

Firstly, the “Centro de Faenas Previas a la Comercialización de Recursos Naturales” was implemented jointly by the community, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. This center will give the hunters of San Pedro community  the capacity to process meat, as well as manage conservation standards (cold chain) of its products. It also has a reception, washing and cutting area, among other spaces; and it’s equipped with stuffing, vacuum and packing machines, grinders, and refrigeration systems that work with renewable energy (photovoltaic systems).

The implementation of photovoltaic systems and the improvement of the cold chain, with the support of DAR, will allow the community to have more economic opportunities by responding efficiently to the market demands with more and better products, especially in it´s  presentations.


It’s important to emphasize that the community has a Wildlife Management Plan, approved by the Regional Environmental Management (GRAM, by its acronym in Spanish) of the Regional Government of Loreto with the support of the WCS organization, which specifies the quotas and species allowed to be exploited.


Secondly, the Community Surveillance Center was refurbished and reinforced with a photovoltaic system that seeks to provide lighting to community security guards 24 hours a day, with the aim of improving the planning of their control and surveillance strategies against possible threats towards the community and its natural resources.

DAR will continue working on the implementation of sustainable local initiatives that help strengthen energy transition strategies and mechanisms for climate change mitigation and with a rights-based approach. Renewable energies have an impact on communal economies, improving family income, and important influence on the social and environmental well-being of the community.

This activity is promoted in the framework of the Project «Promoviendo la energía asequible, limpia y sostenible para Loreto» with the support of The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

The implementation of this initiative is carried out in partnership and articulated collaboration between Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR),  the Regional Environmental Management (GRAM, by its acronym in Spanish) of the Regional Government of Loreto, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the San Pedro Native Community and the Management Committee of the ACR CTT.

Photo: Maria Fe Mendoza/DAR