Ago 17, 2023 | environmental management, News, Pronouncement, Socio-Environmental Management

Organized civil society and the people who sign this statement express our deep rejection of the alleged cutback in environmental institutions and the merger of environmental entities such as SENACE, ANA, SERFOR and SERNANP.

On August 4, the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE)
reported in the media a series of proposals that were detrimental to environmental institutions
within the framework of the discourse to promote national economic reactivation. The main proposal is the merger of SENACE (national service that issues environmental certifications for sustainable investments) with other environmental institutions such as the National Water Authority (ANA), the National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR) and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP), authorities that among other important functions, issue binding technical opinions for the environmental certifications of investment projects. After said merger, the organization would no longer be attached to the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) but directly to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM). In addition, a renewed
system of the Supporting Technical Report
(ITS) is proposed.

On August 14, in the newspaper La Republica, the Executive Power mentioned
that it «has welcomed» the private initiative so that the functions of ANA, SERNANP and SERFOR are «absorbed» by SENACE, within the PCM, something that in practice would mean the disappearance of these institutions. The Minister of Economy and Finance, Alex Contreras, said in June that his office is working to reduce 21 procedures related to environmental certification.

Let us remember that there is an Inter-institutional Coordination Strategy (ECI) that brings together SENACE, ANA, SERFOR and SERNANP, and that SENACE has already been reinforcing its processes with guidelines and procedures. However, these merger proposals would affect the institutionality of organizations that have their own and complementary competences greater than being technical opinion-makers, within the framework of the National Environmental Management System (SNGA) and the National Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA).

On May 30,
Supreme Decree No. 006-2023-MINAM
was published, whose Fourth Final Complementary Provision states that the provisions of Supreme Decree 004-2022-MINAM (referring to the Single Procedure of the Environmental Certification Process – PUPCA) will only be applied on January 1, 2025. This implies, in practice, the suspension of the regulations for more than 19 months.

In this sense, the actions and proposals of the private sector and the Government would lead to the weakening of environmental institutions because they reduce the functions of MINAM as the governing body of said sector, as well as those of the SNGA and SEIA, instead of promoting solid environmental evaluation processes and strengthening the capacities of the authorities so that this contributes to giving predictability to the procedures.

Let us remember that in 2013 and 2014 with the so-called «environmental packages» weak instruments were created, such as the Supporting Technical Reports (ITS); the functions of the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA) were reduced; the Single Window for Environmental Certification was used, among others. In addition, the concessions in the energy and mining sector in the country have been questioned not only for their negative impacts, but also for the permissiveness to which they have been subjected to, which can be observed through the non-effectiveness of the sanctions imposed by the State for non-compliance with environmental obligations when prosecuted, tax benefits, payments of tax debts eternally deferred and prosecuted, among other benefits, evidencing that the strengthening of our environmental institutions is still pending and, even more, its focus on rights.

It is clear then that this is another attempted coup against environmental institutions, since it seeks to make environmental procedures more flexible according to private interests, without considering that this could generate greater socio-environmental conflicts due to the lack of transparent processes and citizen participation. For this reason, we warn about the serious setback that the advancement of this proposal would mean, since it entails the disappearance of various environmental authorities, whose creation represented a key step for environmental governance in the country, in addition to going against Peru’s efforts to its access to the OECD.

For the reasons stated, the signatory organizations reject these proposals and demand that:

  1. The PCM rejects the proposals made by the SNMPE, because they entail the elimination of the environmental authorities and would violate the impartiality of the certification processes, which would affect the collective rights of indigenous peoples and the processes of citizen participation in general.
  2. MINAM rejects these proposals as a governing body within the framework of our national regulations, as well as in respect of international environmental commitments and even trade agreements that include an environmental chapter, such as the Free Trade Agreement of Peru with the United States and the Peru Trade Agreement – European Union, among others.
  3. The changes or reforms proposed by the private sector have as part of their objectives the respect and strengthening of the environmental and social aspects in the modernization of the infrastructure and in the management of the mining-energy sector itself.
  4. The Congress of the Republic pronounces itself in favor of laws that seek the public benefit of citizens; the modernization of investment projects from a socio-environmental sustainability approach; and the strengthening of environmental and social management by the corresponding institutions.
  5. The Government prioritizes reforms to strengthen governance, transparency, supervision, participation and the fight against corruption to avoid damage to the national treasury.
  6. Urgently implement a socio-environmental monitoring system and monthly updated follow-up of projects and contracts by the competent authorities that allows permanent surveillance that involves all citizens, indigenous peoples and their representative organizations; to the State, academia and the private sector.
  7. The monitoring capacities of the regulatory and supervisory entities are strengthened to monitor the socio-environmental impacts, in order to prevent them or that corrective measures of effective application are executed to remedy them; and in this way ensure the rights of populations that may be affected by socio-environmental risks.

Finally, we demand that the Executive, especially the sectors involved, assume a coherent position to fight corruption and ensure vulnerable populations, as well as a correct policy to improve the environmental management of investments through a broad debate that not only does not involve the business sector, but also civil society, indigenous peoples and organized local populations.

Sustainable development and growth are possible with responsible governance, participation and respect for rights. That must be the way.

August 16, 2023

Hereby sign:


  1. Environmental Investigation Agency – EIA
  2. Justice and Peace Area Diocese of Chulucanas
  3. Arariwa Association
  4. Andean Ecosystems Association
  5. National Association of Centers – ANC
  6. Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature – APECO
  7. SEPAR Association
  8. Pro Fauna Silvestre Association, Ayacucho
  9. Proyecto Amigo Association
  10. Rural Educational Services Association – SER
  11. CEDER
  12. Amazonian Center for Anthropology and Practical Application – CAAAP
  13. Bartolomé de las Casas Center – CBC
  14. Center for Development Studies and Promotion – DESCO
  15. Center for the Study and Promotion of Southern Development – DESCO SUR
  16. Center for Research and Promotion of the Peasantry – CIPCA
  17. Center for the Development of the Amazonian Indigenous – CEDIA
  18. Peruvian Center for Social Studies – CEPES
  19. Episcopal Commission for Social Action – CEAS
  20. Confederation of Entrepreneurs of the Bicentennial – CONFEBI PERÚ
  21. Amazon Conservation – ACCA
  22. Conservation Strategy Fund – CSF
  23. CooperAcción
  24. Watersheds – Amazon Issues Network
  25. Law, Environment and Natural Resources – DAR
  26. Human Rights Without Borders – DHSF
  27. Human Rights and Environment – DHUMA
  29. IDS Prospectiva Amazónica
  30. Institute of Lawyers for the Protection of the Environment – INSAPROMA
  31. Institute for Legal Defense of the Environment and Sustainable Development Peru – IDLADS
  32. Institute for the Study of Andean Cultures – IDECA
  33. Institute for the Common Good – IBC
  34. Natura Institute
  35. Fomento de la vida – FOVIDA
  36. Peruvian Ecological Forum
  37. Peru Solidarity Forum (FSP)
  38. Ecumenical Foundation for Development and Peace – FEDEPAZ
  40. Working Group on Hydrocarbon Impacts WGHWG – CNDDHH
  41. Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana – GPC
  42. Environmental and Human Health Technical Committee
  43. Citizen’s Movement against Climate Change – MOCICC
  45. Nodo Peru – Churches and Mining Network
  46. Oxfam
  47. Pachamama Alliance Peru
  48. Peace and Hope
  49. Peru Equity
  50. Civil Society Platform on Business and Human Rights – PSCEDDHH
  51. Labor Development Program – PLADES
  52. Pudú
  53. Water Development and Democracy Network
  54. Peruvian Environmental Network – RAP
  55. National voluntary and communal conservation network «Amazonía Que Late».
  56. Muqui Network
  57. Indigenous Peoples Pastoral Network and Integral Ecology
  58. Peruvian Network for a Globalization with Equity – RedGE
  59. Uniendo Manos Peru Network
  60. SDSN Amazônia
  61. Frankfort Zoological Society – Peru FZS – Peru
  62. Tierra Activa Peru – TAP
  63. Friday for the Future Peru – VPF Peru
  64. WeWorld Onlus
  65. Yunkawasi


  1. Adda Chuecas Cabrera (DNI 07840375)
  2. Adelaida Alayza (ID 07258944)
  3. Allison Cadenillas (DNI 71085752)
  4. Ana Espejo Lopez (DNI 05958146)
  5. Ana Romero Cano (DNI 09672155)
  6. Andy Philipps Zeballos (48234216)
  7. Arnold Fernández Rivas (DNI 45092526)
  8. Arturo Leonardo Ruiz Chapilliquén (DNI 02636211)
  9. Boris Blanco Gallegos (DNI 75494307)
  10. Carla Rojas (DNI 76096998)
  11. Carmela Landeo Sánchez (DNI 08645868)
  12. Cecilia Sueiro Mosquera (DNI 45305139)
  13. César A. Ipenza Peralta (DNI 40287902)
  14. César Francisco Flores Negrón (DNI 08732424)
  15. Corrado Scropetta (CE 002733512)
  16. Edgar Aranibar (DNI 09993693)
  17. Gabriela Rueda Olivera (DNI 46193773)
  18. Genara Ugarte Loaiza (DNI 31000277)
  19. Gianina Melissa Huallpa Raya (DNI 70362759)
  20. Giovanna Vásquez (DNI 29227080)
  21. Giuliana Cecilia Larrea Aguinaga (DNI 40826401)
  22. Kely Alfaro Montoya (DNI 44561170)
  23. Henrry Vásquez (DNI 41000746)
  24. Isabel Sosa (DNI 43215655)
  25. Javier Jahncke Benavente (DNI ‘07261449)
  26. José Luis Ricapa Ninanya (DNI 41687723)
  27. José Ricardo Pineda Milicich (ID 02677294)
  28. Juan Luis Dammert Bello (DNI 40679736)
  29. Julia Cuadros (DNI 07535179)
  30. Laureano del Castillo Pinto (DNI 07551595)
  31. Luis Enrique Rivera Segura (DNI 70586551)
  32. Manuel Boluarte Carbajal (DNI 16168458)
  33. Manuel Dámaso Cuentas Robles
  34. Manuel Nivardo Santillán Romero (DNI 19839567)
  35. Manuela Zuñiga Cardenas (DNI 07906262)
  36. Maria del Carmen Jamjachi Cerron (DNI 74144331)
  37. Maria Elena Foronda Farro (DNI 32985633)
  38. María Peralta Berríos (DNI 08067422)
  39. Nury García Córdova (DNI 08188746)
  40. Patricia Fernández-Dávila Messum (DNI 08220816)
  41. Patricia Torres Muñoz (DNI 40599928)
  42. Ramón Rivero Mejía (DNI 40684427)
  43. Richard O’Diana Rocca (DNI 70434839)
  44. Rosa Etelbina Prieto Mendoza (DNI 02609860)
  45. Rosa Karina Pinasco Vela (DNI 00964487)
  46. Rossana Violeta Angeles Rodriguez (DNI 06443704)
  47. Roxana P Arauco Aliaga (DNI 10352911)
  48. Selene Azul Astrid Benavente García (DNI 46517365)
  49. Sharen Lis Alvis Alfaro (DNI 75436418)
  50. Sonia Johana Asurza Espíritu (DNI 46618335)
  51. Virna Mariel Chávez Mayta (DNI 71631883)
  52. Wilmer Federico Bermejo Requena (DNI 02613068)
  53. Yolanda Mottoccanchi Bustinza (DNI 23941434)